BLOOD TIES is a Stunningly Elegant Animated Fantasy Short

Les Liens De Sang (Blood Ties) is an elegantly animated engrossing short film created by Sophie Kavouridis, Manon Lazzari, Marion Louw, Simon Pannetrat, and Thomas Ricquier

This is in all sincerely one of the most beautifully produced animated shorts that I’ve seen in awhile. The style, tone, and attention to detail is simply stunning. Here’s the brief synopsis that came with the video:

In a family headed by a tyrannical father, the younger daughter will regain her freedom on her birthday ...

Now watch the short for yourself and absorb the flood of visual magnificence. 

"In a family headed by a tyrannical father, the younger daughter will regain her freedom on her birthday ..." Directed by: Sophie Kavouridis, Manon Lazzari, Marion Louw, Simon Pannetrat and Thomas Ricquier. Music: Thomas Ricquier. Mixing: Olivier Michelot. © Ecole Georges Méliès - 2014 ________________ "Dans une famille dirigée par un père tyrannique, la fille cadette va retrouver sa liberté le jour de son anniversaire..." Réalisation: Sophie Kavouridis, Manon Lazzari, Marion Louw, Simon Pannetrat et Thomas Ricquier. Musique: Thomas Ricquier. Mixage: Olivier Michelot. © Ecole Georges Méliès - 2014. ________________ AWARDS Animago Award (Germany) - Best Young Production Award Animex (Great Britain) - Look Development Award SCREENINGS Siggraph Asia (Japan) Paris Court Devant (France) Ecu Film Festival, (France) The World Animation Celebration (USA) Northwest Animation Festival (USA) Landhuter KurzFilmFestival (Germany) Anifilm (Czech Republic) Animfest (Greece) ChileMonos (Chile) Cartoon Club (Italia) Croq'Anime (France) Tournez-Court (France) Animasyros (Greece) Kuandu International Animation Festival, (Taiwan) Banjaluka International Animated Film Festival (Bosnia) Fantastic Film Festival (Sweden) CutOut International Animation Film Festival (Mexico) Thessaloniki Animation Festival (Greece) Spasm Festival (Canada) Festival national du film d'animation (France) Festival les nuits magiques (France) Très Court International Film festival (France) Plymouth Film Festival (Great Britain) Paris Images Digital Summit (France) Sichuan TV Festival (China) Kinoproba International festival (Russia) Anilogue International Animation Festival (Hungary)

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