Chaosium has a new actual play of their popular tabletop RPG Call of Cthulhu. Bookshops of Arkham features Mark Meer as the Keeper of Arcane Lore as he guides Saige Ryan, Carlos Luna, Lucia Versprille, and Patrick Logan through an encounter with the servants of Yog Sothoth.

The original story was created by Belinda Cornish and Darren Ormandy and it’s fantastic. The set is perfect at setting the tone of the game and comes complete with lights that flicker when needed. All the costuming of the players is on point too. If you are new to Call of Cthulhu or are interested in picking up the game, definitely give this a watch.

Throughout the stream rules explanations will pop up on screen to help explain the rule to the audience without breaking the narrative created by the keeper and players. Since the stream is through Roll20, we also get some good shots of how the game will look using it which is really helpful if you will be needing this digital tabletop to play your game.

You can watch the episodes when they stream on Roll20’s twitch channel or when they are released on Chaosium’s YouTube channel. Seriously, go check this out because it is well worth the roughly 2 hours per episode. I should note that they have an audio only episode 2.5 due to technical difficulties in recording in which Meer recaps what had happened.

You can find updates for the show and other Chaosium projects on their blog.

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