BOOM! Studios Announces New Comic Event POWER RANGERS UNIVERSE
Update: Added Nicole Adelfinger as writer and added her statement.
BOOM! Studios recently announced a new comic event for Power Rangers fans called Power Rangers Universe. This limited event series will dive deeper into the lore and “the deepest origins of the Power Rangers” which is freaking exciting! Power Rangers Universe #1 will specifically explore the origin of the Phantom Ranger which is a question that fans have had for 24 years and then echoed after the release of Edge of Darkness when we learned more about the Phantom Ranger’s identity. This is going to be great! Simone Ragazzoni will be providing the art for the series and Nicole Adelfinger is writing the limited series. It will be interesting to see who is chosen.
What is the true origin of the Phantom Ranger? And what is his connection to the Morphin Grid? From the moment he first appeared 24 years ago, fans have wondered about the origins of the powerful and mysterious Phantom Ranger and how they tie to the greater Power Rangers Universe. Questions which have never been answered—until now—in the game-changing series event that no Power Rangers fan can afford to miss!
Talking about the new opportunities for Power Rangers, Dafna Pleban of BOOM! Studios said:
From the very start of our partnership with Hasbro to bring the Power Rangers to life on the comic book page, we always knew that we wanted to explore the many morphinominal teams and worlds in the POWER RANGERS UNIVERSE. Now, thanks to the incredible success of the ongoing series and the enthusiastic support of fans and readers, we’re realizing that years-long dream by delving into the untold stories that fans have been clamouring for!
Adelfinger said:
My twelve year old self—and current self—are screaming! When the Power Rangers team comes knocking at your door, of course you say yes. I'm so honored and excited to be a part of POWER RANGERS UNIVERSE and can't wait to help expand the universe just a bit more for fans new and old to enjoy.
Fans will be able to read Power Rangers Universe #1 this December with a main cover by Dan Mora and variants by Miguel Mercado, Goñi Montes, InHyuk Lee, and more. I do find it interesting that the covers for the issue are all about the Red Rangers when the story is supposedly about the Phantom Ranger. I wonder what the reasoning was for that. I cannot wait to read these new stories!