Bruce Campbell Set to Star in a New ABC Sitcom From Jimmy Kimmel Titled ADOPTED


ABC is producing a new comedy series titled Adopted, the pilot episode of which was co-written by Jimmy Kimmel, who is also an executive producer. The show was co-created by Shawn Vance (The Green Beret’s Guide to Surviving the Apocalypse), whose life inspired the series.

Vance is set to star in the series, and he will be joined by the great Bruce Campbell (Evil Dead franchise). They are joined by Wendie Malick (Hot in Cleveland ), Maxim Swinton (Halston), Tate Moore (Beautiful Dreamer), Sofia Pernas (Blood & Treasure), and Reyn Doi (Barb & Star Go To Vista Del Mar).

Adopted is inspired by a true story. In it, “when a Green Beret (Vance) returns home to Texas from military service, he and his family struggle with the challenges of adopting his new brother, a 12-year-old Russian boy (Swinton).”

Vance plays Shawn Voss. “Overconfident like his father and anxious like his mother, Shawn is fresh out of the US Army Special Forces and struggling to adapt to civilian life. He believes that anything worth doing is worth over-doing, including his role as Daniel’s mentor a.k.a. ‘tor-mentor.’ Shawn loves to take a military ‘tough love’ approach to life, and often goes too far with his criticisms, even if he has the best of intentions.”

Campbell plays Shawn’s dad, John Voss. “A goofy, optimistic, carefree, and conservative Dad, John is a red-blooded, all-American, business owner who hates negative thoughts… so he doesn’t have ‘em! He’s as out-of-touch as he is unaware, but makes up for it with his jolly nature. His greatest fear is interpersonal conflict, and now that the house is full of kids, conflict is inevitable.”

Malick portrays Shawn’s mother, Michelle Voss. “An empathetic, overly-attentive, good Christian mother who believes in her kids as much as she worries about them. She couldn’t be happier to have adopted her new Russian son, but is also realizing she doesn’t have the same pep in her parental step… and just may need something she’s never needed before: the help of her family.”

Swinton is Daniel Voss. “A recent adoptee from Russia, Daniel is socially unaware, naïve for his age, and speaks heavily accented English. On the one hand, he’s the sweetest kid you’ll ever meet. On the other, he has suffered a lot of trauma in his young life and runs primarily on raw emotion. He has high highs and low lows, but his earnest eagerness to connect with his new home & family is impossible to resist.”

Moore plays Chelsea Voss. “Despite being a budding social media ‘influencer’, she’s the hippest and smartest person in the house. Born with a host of health problems, she’s had to overcome a lot, but like her bio says, she is not defined by her struggles! At her core she’s a good person who’s doing her best to love her family and guide them towards “enlightenment” but at the same time, it’s a tough job and she’s pretty busy with Tik-Tok.”

Pernas portrays Dr. Zora. “An adoption specialist, Daniel’s homeroom teacher, and the apple of Shawn’s eye, Dr. Zora is as intelligent as she is charming. Accustomed to being fawned over and a black-belt in flirt-jitsu, she easily dismantles Shawn’s advances with a smile. She keeps her cool when others don’t and provides a voice of reason in an otherwise chaotic world.”

Doi is Thumper. “A happy-go-lucky adoptee and Daniel’s best friend, his nickname is derived from the term “Bible thumper.” His two favorite things are girls and God, and puberty is making it difficult to stay on the straight and narrow Jesus prescribed.”

It’s always great to see Bruce Campbell land a role in something and I hope this turns out to be a good show!

Source: Deadline

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