Build Your Own Hoverboard Replica From BACK TO THE FUTURE 2

Dustin McFly, I mean Dustin McLean is back — back to the Prop Shop to show you how to make a Hoverboard replica for your next Back to the Future cosplay. This is a great video because he goes over everything very clearly and give you options on what materials to use depending on your budget and tools that you have available. He even made up printable graphics for you to use and budgets how much it will cost if you go to a print shop, in case you don't have a color printer yourself. McLean is doing a fantastic job with this web series. He's mindful of both skill set and money. Prop Shop reminds me a lot of Backyard Fx's. Now there's a blast from the past! I'm sure as the popularity of the show grows, so will the complexity of the projects. As for what I want to see next…how about a Mad Max jacket and sawed off shotgun?

Awe-Inspiring Videos ►► Subscribe! How to be a Stuntman ►► Mihawk's Sword - Man At Arms ►► We build so many amazing weapons and props, we wanted to offer a show where you at home could build them yourself!

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