28 Times TV Shows Paid Homage To Classic Movies
There was a time when film was considered the end-all be-all form of entertainment, but television's recent Golden Age (along with studio reliance on massive franchises and the all-but-vanished mid-budge movie) has turned the tables to the point where long-form, serialized TV is on a level playing field (or perhaps have surpassed movies altogether, depending on who you talk to). Now the two mediums are constantly influencing each other, and Vox has put together a cool video that shows 28 times TV shows paid homage to movies by recreating famous shots or situations and repurposing them for their own story purposes.
Two quick things before I wrap this up: First, Pinky and The Brain was an utterly brilliant show. I often forget about it, but every time I watch a clip, I'm reminded of how great it was. And second, if you haven't seen Carol Reed's The Third Man yet, make it a priority — that movie is fantastic.
Via: LaughingSquid