Canadian Palaeontologist Identified New Tyrannosaurid Named Reaper of Death
Illustration by Julius Csotonyi
Dino fans get excited. National Geographic recently shared that a new species of tyrannosaurid has been identified in Canada. Jared Voris is the lead of a team that identified the 26-foot long Thanatotheristes, aka the Reaper of Death in Greek. The Thanatotheristes degrootorum has been placed to be alive roughly 79.5 million years ago before the rise of tyrannosaur domination.
Voris spent two years researching some fossils at Alberta’s Royal Tyrrell Museum of Palaeontology. In light of this identification, he released the following statement:
“I tried to be really meticulous with identifying features that made it unique. It’s interesting to have the opportunity to name a new species—and I’m hoping it isn’t all downhill from here.”
I think this is really cool and I always get excited when we learn more about dinosaurs. Do you think the Reaper of Death will play a role in Jurassic World 3?
Image by Jared Voris