There was no one better suited to take up the mantle of Captain America than Sam Wilson, which is why Steve Rodgers offered it to him after the events that aged him to his rightful age. Thing is, a lot of things can happen in eight months, and in that time something has come between these two allies and, most of al,l best friends.
In Sam Wilson, Captain America, writer Nick Spencer and artist Daniel Acuna are going to fill in the gaps along the way. Pitting two former friends against each other isn't anything new, but the friendship between these two has always been so ironclad that seeing what could actually drive them apart has me intrigued. Could it be that Steve is having a hard time adjusting to not being Cap? Guess we will see.

Acuna's art has always been hit and miss with me, but from the panels above, I think his style fits extremely well here. Also, any excuse to see more Misty Knight in action is always a good thing.
You can catch the launch variants in the gallery below and can pick up the core issue when Sam Wilson, Captain America releases on October 14.