Captain America's Hydra Suit Teased on the Cover of Marvel Comics' SECRET EMPIRE #0

I still don't like the fact that Captain America was revealed to really be a Hydra agent in the Marvel Comics universe. Captain America was always a favorite character of mine so I think this whole new direction with him is bullshit.

Anyway, the cover for Secret Empire #0 has been released and it teases the characters Hydra suit. The cover was created by Mark Brooks, and it features Steve Rogers, a.k.a. Captain America, standing in a demolished, fiery battle zone. As you can see, his costume is torn at the chest revealing the Hydra insignia with what looks like a new Hydra-style costume. 

Secret Empire is the big event that Marvel Comics has been leading up to, and Marvel Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso said:

“Wherever you find favor within the Marvel Universe, Secret Empire is a story for you. When the world’s most respected and trusted super hero, Captain America, assumes ultimate power and goes bad, it serves as a rallying cry for all the heroes. Avengers, X-Men, Guardians, Inhumans and street-level heroes unite to fight for the fate – and soul – of the Marvel Universe.”

Secret Empire #0 was written by Nick Spencer with art by Daniel Acuna. It will be released in April. Secret Empire #1, which was written by Spencer with art by Steve McNiven, hits in May. You can check out the cover art for that one below.

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