Captain Kirk Offends Everyone in First Episode of STAR TREK: VERY SHORT TREKS - "Skin a Cat"

The first episode of the recently announced animated series Star Trek: Very Short Treks has been released, which is titled “Skin a Cat.” The show is a fun homage to the iconic Star Trek animated series universe. The series celebrates the bold, the silly, and the unusual across the animated universe of Star Trek.

The episode is set on the USS Enterprise, and it features Captain Kirk derailing a defense plan in the middle of an attack with his use of Earth expressions that present a figurative, non-literal meaning. In the process, he just offends everyone on the bridge of the Enterprise.

The episode was created by Casper Kelly (Too Many Cooks, Star Trek: Short Treks). The voice cast for the series of shorts includes Jonathan Frakes as Will Riker, Doug Jones as Saru, Armin Shimerman as Quark, Ethan Peck as Spock, Gates McFadden as Dr. Beverly Crusher, Celia Rose Gooding as Uhura, Connor Trinneer as Trip Tucker, Bruce Horak as Hemmer, Noël Wells as Tendi, and George Takei as Sulu.

Enjoy the show!

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