Captivating Superpower Sci-Fi Short Film - SINGULAR
An intriguing live-action sci-fi short film was sent into us by director Carlos Orozco. It's called "Singular," and it's set in an America where everyone has superpowers, except for Andy. This is a cool and interesting concept. Most superhero stories revolve around a few people with superpowers in a world where almost everyone doesn't have them. This is the complete opposite, and it makes for a really good short. Here's the synopsis:
In an America where everyone has superpowers, Andy, the only kid who doesn't have one, struggles to escape a group of bullies led by Sofia, who just wants to make Andy's life more miserable than it already is. But what begins as an ordinary 'everyday' beating ends up spiraling out of control, putting our hero in a life-or-death situation where courage, leadership and sacrifice will guide Andy -- and Sofia -- to discover the true meaning of 'being special.'"
I really enjoyed this short, and I think some of you will like too, so check it out!