Celebrate Your Love of Books With This Supercut of Movie Libraries and Bookstores
There was a long stretch of my life — through high school and college and beyond — where I didn't read for pleasure. I don't know if it was being forced to read so many books for assignments that threw me off, or what, but reading books lost its magic for me. It's only been over the last couple of years that I've reacquired that hobby and rediscovered how much I like it: physically turning the pages, and feeling the weight of the book in my hand as I make my way through it.
Those of you who appreciate reading might enjoy this supercut of libraries and bookstores on film...but if you like reading that much, you'd probably rather have your nose in a book right now instead of watching this. There's only one scene I'm disappointed they didn't include: They Came Together's bookstore scene. ("I've never met anyone else who likes fiction!")
Via: LaughingSquid