Chadwick Boseman Says BLACK PANTHER Will Be Darker and Grittier Than Previous Marvel Films
Chadwick Boseman is saying Black Panther may have a bit darker tone than we're used to seeing in other Marvel films, according to CBR. The actor made the statement in response to a question about whether or not the serious nature of the character will affect the tone of movie:
"It’s funny, because on one hand, the Marvel movies that I’ve liked the most are the ones that are funny. I love “Ant-Man.” But for me, most of the time the darker superhero movies are the ones that I gravitate towards, that I love the most. So I’m glad that I’m not in an “Ant-Man.” I’m glad that the tone of [“Black Panther”] may be a little grittier. I just wanted to establish that from the beginning, that that’s what we were doing. That that’s what I intend to do. I feel like we’ll end up in a place that I’ve always wanted to be when I look at superhero movies. Those are the ones I like the most. It’s exciting to do that."
Boseman also shared some further insight on Black Panther, citing how Captain America: Civil War did a service to filmgoers in introducing the character and exploring his motivations:
"I feel like you get a chance to see that he’s not going to be a selfish ruler. He’s not going to be a dictator. He’s not going to be a person that does things purely for his own gain. That he does have a heroic aspect at the heart of a hero; of a leader. You can pull for him, because he’s merciful. And it leaves room also for him to do things that are not necessarily perfect...A few people have said to me, 'I thought you were a villain at first.' They didn’t have the prior history of the character. And they enjoyed that. They thought I was going to end up being a villain. That’s telling to me. I feel like it’s a good thing that we were able to create that context where he’s going after things for his own reasons, not necessarily good or bad, but ultimately that you can create something that is universally good — that merciful aspect — I think is a good thing for the character."
I'm sure the words "dark and gritty" bring some worry among some Marvel fans, but it's not like we haven't been seeing that on the TV side these past couple years. I highly doubt Black Panther can go as dark or will be as dark as Jessica Jones or Daredevil, and it will be nice to see a little grit in that cinematic universe for a change!
Black Panther is scheduled for release July 8th, 2018.