Character Posters for Disney's HAWKEYE Series Features Hawkeye, Kate Bishop, and Lucky

I’ve got three character posters here to share with you for Disney’s Hawkeye series and they feature Jeremy Renner’s Clint Barton aka Hawkeye, Hailee Steinfeld as Kate Bishop, and Lucky the Pizza Dog.

The series follows former Avenger Clint Barton who has a seemingly simple mission, “get back to his family for Christmas. Possible? Maybe with the help of Kate Bishop, a 22-year-old archer with dreams of becoming a Super Hero. The two are forced to work together when a presence from Barton’s past threatens to derail far more than the festive spirit.”

Director Rhys Thomas recently talked about the series and explained why he likes doing Hawkeye as a series rather than a movie:

"I mean, you know, it's time getting to spend time with these characters and let them grow. And again, we're introducing this character and you know, it's it's about these guys coming together and learning from one another and, and, yeah, and also, it's a world that you get to live in for a little longer. I don't know. I mean, again, it's to me, it's just more time you know, it's always I think you fall in love with these characters when you make these things and you fall in love with all the possibilities of the you know, the ways you can annoy Clint and, and, you know, smash them together. And so yeah, getting to really, you know, have the runway to do that is you're always gonna take it."

He went on to talk about the new dynamic between him and Kate in the series saying:

"You want her to have her own individual energy that works with Clint, so how do we create a dynamic that's really exciting to watch? She is a younger character with that younger energy, which is a nice counterpoint to Clint who is so battle-worn and been through it. But it's also showing that she has what it takes. Clint has chosen to do this. Kate is someone who is feeling herself called to it."

The series also stars Vera Farmiga as Kate's mother Eleanor; Fra Fee as Kazi, which is short for Kazimierz Kazimierczak, a.k.a. Clown; Tony Dalton is Duquesne, a.k.a. Swordsman, Alaqua Cox is Echo, and Zahn McClarnon is playing Kate’s father, William Lopez. Florence Pugh returns also to the role of Yelena Belova from Black Widow.

The show was developed by head writer Jonathan Igla. Troop Zero directors Bert and Bertie, a.k.a. Amber Finlayson (Bert) and Katie Ellwood (Bertie), and Saturday Night Live and Comrade Detective director Rhys Thomas have been hired to helm some episodes of the upcoming Disney+ Hawkeye series.

Hawkeye debuts on Disney+ on November 24th, and it looks like it’s going to be a blast! The series will premiere with the first two episodes.

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