Charlie Cox on Possible DAREDEVIL Season 2 Characters, Fighting, and Suit
Fan Poster by Katase6626
I'm incredibly excited to see where Marvel takes Daredevil's story in Season 2. There are so many options for them to play with, and at this point we can only speculate as to what we will see. During a recent interview with IGN, actor Charlie Cox talked about the upcoming season, the new showrunners, upping the ante when it comes to fighting, and the evolution of the suit:
He starts off by saying that it's hard to know what the new showrunners, Doug Petrie (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and Marco Ramirez (Sons of Anarchy), will bring to the next season:
"The show has had such a great response that I imagine we’ll be wanting to stick in that world and tonally feel we’re in the same universe. It’s very hard to know – when you’ve got a writer’s room and a showrunner it’s very hard to know who’s influencing the dialogue. Who’s influencing the structure of the scripts, the tone of it. I imagine it’s very much a collaborative process."
In terms of fight sequences, that first season was incredible. I imagine they are going to up the ante this next time around. When asked about that, he said:
"One thing that we tried to do in the first season is we meet Matt Murdock/masked vigilante who’s not the best fighter quite yet. He’s not had very much experience, he makes a lot of mistakes, he takes a hell of a beating on numerous occasions. Then by the end of the show he’s getting smarter, he’s training, he’s getting stronger and he’s honing his skills as it were, so when we get to the second season we’ll probably see it go further in that direction and he’ll being even better at his Daredevil activity and hopefully that will change and shift the fight sequences and choreography enough to give the fans something new."
As far as potential new characters that we might see in the series, Cox gives us some choices on who he thinks is most likely to show up:
"I think in our show we’re more likely to see the likes of Bullseye, The Punisher and Elektra. I don’t know if any of those characters will appear, and also I don’t know what’s going to happen with Wilson Fisk. He’s certainly not out of the picture. Hopefully he’ll come back."
It's good to know that Fisk will be back, and I would sure love to see Bullseye, The Punisher, and Elektra eventually all show up in the series. If the series keeps going, I'm sure it will eventually happen. As far as the suit goes, it seems like it will also continue to evolve:
"As people who have seen the show will know, we do get to the more recognizable classic red suit by the end of the series. But at this point we don’t have the ‘DD’ on the chest so maybe that’s something that will evolve with this suit as we go further along the line. Maybe he’ll decide to get that printed on."
Season 2 is scheduled to premiere sometime in 2016, and I'll be looking forward to it! You can watch the interview below: