Charlie Cox Praises Jessica Henwick, Says He'll Put in a Good Word for Her for DAREDEVIL: BORN AGAIN

Daredevil: Born Again is easily one of the most highly anticipated projects coming from Marvel Studios, but we still don’t know much about it. All we do know is that Charlie Cox will be back as Daredevil, Vincent D'Onofrio will return as Kingpin, and it will consist of 18 episodes.

We don’t have any story details or information on what characters will be involved in the series. Will we see anyone from the Netflix shows pop up!? Well, during a recent interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Cox specifically praised Jessica Henwick, who played Colleen Wing, and said he’d put in a good word for her.

“She’s amazing. I could also say that about a number of people that I worked with not only on Daredevil, but also on the other shows we did there. So I don’t know what they’re thinking, but I will absolutely put in a good word [for Henwick]. And I did get a lovely text from her the other day saying that she read the news [about Born Again] and was thrilled for me.”

Henwick’s Wing was easily one of the best characters to come out of Netflix’s Marvel, and it would be awesome to see her make a comeback. It would also be great to see Deborah Ann Woll as Karen Page, Edward Henson as Froggy Nelson, and more.

Cox was also very complimentary towards She-Hulk star Tatiana Maslany, and is open to her reprising her role in a guest appearance on Born Again.

“I had such fun working with [Tatiana]. I happen to think she’s one of the great actors of our generation. So that, in and of itself, as well as being a lovely person, it was just such a thrill and a joy to work with her. So I would absolutely love that, but who knows? We’ll have to see. We’ve got 18 episodes for it to happen, so maybe.”

It only makes sense for She-Hulk to show up in the series, especially if they two are now a couple. Cox went on to say that he isn’t sure if his previous Daredevil series remains in MCU continuity. But he’s expecting some changes:

“I haven’t really gotten to that point with the writers of our next Daredevil show. So I haven’t read any scripts yet, and we haven’t really talked at length about what this current iteration will be like. Just by the fact that they’re using me as an actor to play the part, it’s clear that there are going to be some consistencies and there are also going to be some differences. What they are and how we integrate the two is going to be the challenge of the new show.”

“These things are really complicated, and obviously, opinions are always divided. What people like is always varied, but we have an opportunity to at least take what worked really well and then also add some cool elements, ideas, concepts and themes that we weren’t able to do before. So it’s Daredevil, but upgraded.”

What do you all hope to see from Daredevil: Born Again? I wonder if Echo will have any role to play in it. We’ll find out soon enough. The series will premiere in early 2024 on Disney+.

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