Charming Animated Short UNBREAKABLE Follows a Stuffed Bunny Who Keeps Ripping Its Stitches
I’ve got a wonderful and touching animated short film here for you to watch titled Unbreakable. The short tells the story of a stuffed toy bunny named Barbara who comes off the assembly line tearing her stitches due to a cough that she has.
The toy factory ends up rejecting her and throws her out into the streets. Barbara takes it upon herself to try and find a remedy that would make her whole again. Through her frustrating journey, she finally finds someone that lovingly takes her in.
“Unbreakable” is the story of Barbara the Bunny. When she begins to persistently cough, “Quality Control” at the toy factory labels her “defective,” and so her search for treatment begins. She goes from shop to shop to no avail, until she discovers a loose string of yarn that takes her on a magical journey across town and into the arms of a toy repair shop owner.
Unbreakable was created by Roof Studio for INSMED and it was inspired by a woman who went to four different doctors to get help before she was diagnosed with NTM lung disease.