Charming Trailer For DreamWorks Animation's TO: GERARD
DreamWorks Animation has shared the first trailer to an animated project titled To: Gerard, which comes from writer and director Taylor Meachem. The movie is described as “a short feature parable about the sense of magic that a parent or parental figure can spark in an dazzled child, still enchanting them 60 years on – and prompting them to inspire others.”
The story follows a character named Gerard, who “remembers back to when, as a tongue-tied child, he met The Great Volonti, who dazzled him on stage with his sleight of hand as he juggled a gold coin between one hand and the other.”
The Great Volonti tells Gerard, “Maybe there will be a time when you can create a little magic of you own,” and then presented him with the coin. But, that never happened for Gerard. Instead, “Gerard has worked all his life in a humble postal office, sending envelopes flying into pigeon holes with the same effortless dexterity he brings to repeating Volinto sleight of hand with his cherished coin. But he has never had a chance to dazzle others – until a little girl wanders into his post room.”
This looks like a wonderful and charming short film that will be able to lift some spirits during this rough year that we’ve been having. The world needs a little magic right now.
The movie is said to be an homage to Meachem’s father, and it “mixes the greatness of Hollywood – its ability to move audiences conveying life’s central verities – how, even 60, 70 years on, we remain shaped, maybe defined, by our parents, or parental figures.”
To: Gerard will celebrate its European premiere at France’s Annecy Festival, which runs June 15-30 and will also debut at this year’s Tribeca Festival. Check out the trailer below.
Source: Variety