Check Out Some More Unofficial Healer Options for DUNGEONS & DRAGONS with I NEED HEALING!
I Need Healing! is a fun and unofficial supplement for Dungeons & Dragons by Sean vas Terra. This guide has four subclasses aimed at being healers as well as new magic weapons and even some optional rules you can incorporate with wounds and healing. An example of these rules is that if a creature takes enough damage, they may end up getting stunned because they took “massive damage.” The subclasses were designed for a variety of classes including Bards, Fighters, Monks, and even Rogues. These are some pretty fantastic new options to incorporate if your DM permits.
“New healing options, including nonmagical medics and physicians! A streamlined set of Injury rules to add lasting impact to deadly scenarios! Expanded magic items for healing and dealing with injuries!”
You can purchase I Need Healing! from DMs Guild for $2.95.