Check Out the New Poster for TITANS Season 2 Featuring a New Take on Deathstroke

I am going to be honest with you, I have never given Titans a chance because I truly thought that DC Universe would fail halfway into it’s first year. They have proved me wrong and I am sorely regretting it. This poster and an interesting press release were gifted to us by the folks at DC Universe. Check this out:

To say we're excited for the arrival of DC Universe’s ‘Titans’Season 2 on September 6th is like saying water is wet. Our recent first look video was overflowing with superhero goodness, and now we've got a poster that's equally pulse-pounding. All our returning heroes are here -- with Dick looking appropriately focused, Donna looking appropriately fierce, and Jason looking appropriately, well, surly. Plus, Kory and Dawn have bitchin' new hairdos, and Rachel has her forehead gem! But it's the new faces that have us most excited -- including Joshua Orpin's hunky Superboy, Chelsea Zhang as the lithe Rose Wilson, and, best of all, Esai Morales as Rose's dad, Slade Wilson, AKA Deathstroke. The latter is poised to be the most lethal screen version of the character yet, brandishing a sword that looks like it could take someone's head off with less effort than buttering toast...

Look, I get that this endeavor may break my heart with how cheesy this looks, but I am now truly interested in what they are bringing to the table. I added their video below. Let us know what you think.

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