During Tokyo Game Show 2019, Koei Tecmo and Kou Shibusawa revealed a new trailer for Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV. I have never played a RTK game, but this trailer makes it look like a combination of Civilization, Total War, and maybe a dash of Dynasty Warriors. Definitely an interesting combination.

RTK14 is all about acquiring land and ruling China’s 46 cities and 340 regions. Each region provides a source of income which means the more you control, the stronger your economy. Of course, there will also be ways for you and your enemies to cut off supply lines to make each other struggle for resources, adding a new element to the overall strategy.

In addition, a new government structure is being introduced to each faction for even more strategizing. Officers can be assigned to different positions with each faction having a unique set of effects and commands based on this organization. Each government features five parts: administration, HR, logistics, strategy, and war. Also, each officer will have specific policies that they can implement to improve your faction, such as the ability to strengthen certain battle formations.

RTK14 is currently set to release in the west in early 2020 on PC (via Steam) and on PS4.

Check out the latest trailer for Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV! "He who controls the [land] controls the world". Clash with other powers for dominance and paint the Three Kingdom period in your colors!

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