Check Out These Custom Novelty Dice from The Storm Crow

The Storm Crow is a series of nerd bars up in Canada run by Jason Kaplaka, founder of PopCap Games and designer for Bejeweled. Thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, Storm Crow had to close down for a little while and with that closure, a new online store was started.

Two of their latest items though are custom 20-sided dice that are sure to put a smile on your face. The High Roller die is guaranteed to give you that sweet, sweet natural 20 as all sides have a 20. This die costs $35 and Storm Crow has even set some aside for people to use in marriage proposals.

If you propose with the die and your partner says yes, you’ll get the die for free! Before you ask, this is eligible for anyone regardless of sexuality and even includes polycules.

The other die is for those with a more morbid sense of humor. The How Will You Die features 20 sides of crazy situations that could result in one’s death. For instance, “Too Many Oreos.” Boy, what a way to go. I know a few people who would be terrified of the “Amorous Octopus” side though. Maybe you or your DM could even use this to help determine how some NPC has died. It could lead to some fun story moments if done well.

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