Life is Strange Remastered Collection is due to come out February 1 and to show off the new look Square Enix has released a five minute clip of the game. The clip shows us the first bit of chapter 1, so we see Max walking through the halls of her high school and in the bathroom during the fateful encounter between Nathan and Chloe. The game looks great with updated character model and  improved motion capture. Other updates are:

  • Now rendering in native 4K in Unreal 4, with a rebuilt lighting pipeline.

  • New and updated 4K-ready character models with increased polycounts and additional bones are visible throughout

  • All character models feature more emotive and expressive animation, more natural hair physics, and updated tears, injuries, and more.

  • Max’s tears and expressions are more detailed with updated facial SFX

  • Nathan and Chloe’s facial expressions and eyelines have been revamped

  • New lip-sync animation throughout.

  • New and updated scenic materials for reflectivity and texture.

  • Updated models and materials for key props, ex. the bucket in the bathroom

My introduction to the series was Life is Strange: True Colors so I’m really excited to be able to go back and play from the beginning of the series. You can get the game on Google Stadia, PlayStation 4, Xbox One, GeForce Now, PC Steam with PlayStation 4 being compatible with PlayStation 5 and the Xbox One version being compatible with Xbox Series X|S. A version for the Nintendo Switch will come out later this year. Also, if you got the Life is Strange: True Colors Ultimate Edition you will receive a copy of Life Is Strange Remastered Collection.

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