Check Out Trailer For Upcoming Dystopian Punk Metroidvania COOKIE CUTTER

Rogue Games has revealed an upcoming release, Cookie Cutter. Set to release in 2023, this hand drawn Metroidvania game takes place in a punk dystopian world and promises an epic-sized retraversal world to explore, a robust character upgrade system, buckets of blood, and one hell of a badass heroine.

Players will take on the role of Cherry, an android brought to life via technology and a mortal soul, as she fights to rescue her kidnapped creator/girlfriend. Fortunately she is literally armed to the teeth with melee fighting skills, guns, chainsaws, guitar slides, motorcycle smash attacks, and mecha kills. This android will not let anyone stand in her way.

The music is really cool and of course the visuals are beautiful as you can expect from a hand drawn game. This game is definitely made for older audiences and will host a range of accessibility features so that players of all capabilities can play.

This game looks like it will be a lot of fun, so keep an eye out for the release next year, and in the meantime enjoy the trailer below.

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