Chris Hemsworth Says The THOR: THE DARK WORLD Was "Meh"
I know a lot of fans weren't too thrilled about Thor: The Dark World and it seems to land near the bottom of the list of the fan rankings for Marvel movies. I like the film a lot more than most people. While it's not my favorite Marvel movie, I still enjoyed it.
It turns out that actor Chris Hemsworth seems to side with the majority of MCU fans regarding the film. During an interview with GQ, he talked about the Thor films and it's there that he reveals that he thought the movie was "meh."
"The first one is good, the second one is meh. What masculinity was, the classic archetype---it just all starts to feel very familiar. I was so aware that we were right on the edge."
Then Thor: Ragnarok was released and the whole vibe of the character took a completely different more comedic turn and the fans loved it! It's definitely the best film in the Thor franchise.
I like how the character is evolving in the MCU and I'm excited to see what the future holds for him. While The Dark World is looked down upon by many, it did help pave the way for what the character has become and where he is going.