Chris Pine Set to Play John Dean, Richard Nixon's Attorney in Upcoming Film for Amazon
Chris Pine is set to play historical figure John Dean in an upcoming feature film for Amazon. Dean was the White House counsel, and a pivotal cog in the Watergate scandal in the early 1970s. The film will actually consult with Dean himself, who will serve as executive producer on the project. The script is being written by Evan Parter.
Variety gives us the following description of Dean’s role in history, as well as his character:
Billed by the press as a “connoisseur of cover-ups,” Dean became a crucial Nixon whistle-blower by offering testimony that implicated the president in the historic cover-up. In exchange, he served four months of house arrest and plead guilty to obstruction of justice. He’s since written numerous books and serves as a political commentator. In recent years, he’s been highly critical of the Republican party and President Donald Trump.
This is definitely a project to keep an eye out for. I love when enough time has passed by a historical event, so that we start getting more insight into what really happened. Are you interested in this story?