Cinemassacre Examines the Popularity of STAR WARS
What makes Star Wars popular? It sounds like such a simple question doesn't warrant an 11-minute video, especially for people like us. Yet, the longer I watched the Cinemassacre rant, the more I began to question why exactly I love Star Wars as much as I do? It's something that's always been there since childhood, and I can't pinpoint when I first realized that I liked Star Wars. If I had to guess it had to begin with a lightsaber toy or perhaps Super Star Wars on SNES, and as much as guys my age hate to admit it, we didn't hate the prequel films when they first came out because we were too young to know any better.
I'm sharing this not because I agree with his views, but rather for the dialogue it opened within myself. Can you pinpoint where your Star Wars fandom began? I'm especially curious about the crowd who, like me, weren't alive during the initial release of the films!