City of Boston Declares March 26th Leonard Nimoy Day

The mayor of Boston, Massachusetts, Martin J. Walsh, has issued a statement on his way out of office, declaring March 26th Leonard Nimoy day in the city. The late Star Trek actor was a West End native and was very dedicated to his community. This Friday, the 26th, would have been the late actor’s 90th birthday.

In a statement to the city, Walsh proclaimed, “I encourage all Bostonians to recognize Leonard Nimoy’s commitment and dedication to the Arts and the lasting impact that he has left on the community. Leonard Nimoy brought honor upon his native city with his accomplishments as an actor, writer, producer, director, poet, photographer, and philanthropist.”

The Boston Globe article that released the announcement states Nimoy, who died in 2015, “was born in the city’s West End section on March 26, 1931 and “nurtured his acting talent” at the Elizabeth Peabody House and West End Boys Club, according to the proclamation. He received a “summer scholarship for acting lessons at Boston College when he was a teenager, and later took an honorary degree from Boston University.”

This is pretty awesome. Nimoy was an iconic actor and person, and it’s great that his hometown is honoring him. How will you celebrate his special day?

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