Clark Gregg Comments on the Possible Return of Agent Coulson in the MCU

Agent Phil Coulson was a key part of the first phase of the MCU, but after he was killed off in The Avengers and resurrected in Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., things got weird, and it was really unclear what his place was in the MCU.

Actor Clark Gregg recently commented on whether or not he would reprise his role during an interview at The Cosmic Circus at Motor City Comic Con 2023. When asked by a fan if there’s any chance we would see him back as Coulson, he said:

“There’s just always a chance that- I mean, you know, it’s a multiverse.”

Gregg was also asked about if Coulson, or a Skrull impersonating him, could appear in the upcoming Disney+ show Secret Invasion. To that, the actor responded: “Well, they’ve confirmed that he was a Skrull all along, haven’t they?” When told no, he said:

“Okay, maybe not. No, I don’t know. No, I think he was a real life person. I can barely keep track of all the things he became, or that he might show up as some other time. But I think he was, what made him, I don’t know what, stand out or connect with the fans was the fact that he was very, very human.”

Gregg obviously has no idea what’s going on with Marvel these days, and while Marvel could easily bring him back with the multiverse in play, I wouldn’t bet on it happening. I think fans have gotten used to Coulson not being around, and there’s really no reason to bring him back at this point.

Regardless, would you like to see Agent Coulson return?

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