Classic 1950's Era Poster of Superman Teaching Diversity to Kids Gets Digitally Restored

In 1949 DC Comics teamed up with the National Social Welfare Assembly to run a series of public service messages with their classic superhero characters as the spokesmen. One of the most well-known posters that was created featured Superman teaching kids about the importance of diversity and helping keep schools "All American". 

Well, DC Comics has taken that classic poster that "embodies a core value that we as Americans hold so dear" and digitally restored it. As you can see it turned out fantastic. With the way things are right now, this message is prevalent. The poster came with the following note:

In a recently much circulated image of a 1950’s-era color poster, Superman can be seen speaking to school children about the importance of respecting diversity. Only a tiny number of these posters are thought to still exist and little information remains about how the poster came to be. But what we do know is that it was not the original source of that powerful image and statement. In 1949, DC (National Comics) produced this same image and text originally for a 12 x 18” brown paper school book cover that was distributed to schools by the Institute for American Democracy, an offshoot of the Anti-Defamation League.  While the author of Superman’s reminder of the American creed is unknown, the art is believed to be by noted Superman artist Wayne Boring.

I also included a book cover that was created for kids featuring the same image below.

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