Classic Kid Board Games Get Horror-Style Movie Posters

I’ve got an amusing collection of fan art here for you to enjoy that reimagines some of the classic kid’s board games we grew up playing… as horror movies.

The horror-style movie posters were created by Justin Bryant, and they turn games such as Mouse Trap, Hungry Hungry Hippos, Candyland, Chutes and Ladders, Don’t Break the Ice, and Don’t Wake Daddy into twisted and disturbing tales of terror.

New series I’m making to pass the time while work is still scarce. I wanted to revisit an older idea I had, while also comparing how my skills have changed, and do a new version of a Hungry Hippos horror movie poster. Finishing this poster sparked the desire to explore this concept more, child games twisted into a scary/dark/horror theme, so I’ve turned it onto a series and will continue to add to it.

The Posters from this series can be purchased through the 1126 Art Studio online store. Check them out below!

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