Classic Nintendo Theme Songs Arranged and Played on the Spot on Piano

Pianist Sonya Belousova at PlayerPiano has managed an amazingly entertaining feat by arranging several classic Nintendo theme songs on the spot by request and then playing them on the piano. It's pretty spectacular to watch. I wish I was this good at playing the piano. I can't even play "Chopsticks," though. I think it's awesome when extremely talented people like this put their talents to good, geeky use. The theme songs that she plays here include Kid Icarus, Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario Bros., Castlevania, Mega Man II, Duck Tales, and Zelda.

Help Us Make More Videos via our Crowdfunding Campaign: Sonya and Tom take a break from shooting their next video to fulfill a special request from one of their Indiegogo supporters and play some classic Nintendo Theme Songs. Let us know what you'd like to hear next!

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