Colin Trevorrow Reveals His Contribution to the STAR WARS Franchise and Says J.J. Abrams Is Credited with Bringing the Emperor Back

When Star Wars: Episode IX, or as we know it now, Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker ,was first coming together, Colin Trevorrow was attached to direct the film, but that didn’t end up working out for one reason or another. But even though he didn’t stay on as director, he did still make contributions to the film and will be credited accordingly. But one thing is for sure, he never would have thought of bringing the Emperor back. That credit goes directly to director J.J. Abrams. In an interview with Empire (via /film), Trevorrow said:

“Bringing back the Emperor was an idea JJ brought to the table when he came on board. It’s honestly something I never considered. I commend him for it. This was a tough story to unlock, and he found the key. I’m grateful to JJ [Abrams] for embracing some of our ideas. It’s exciting that fans will get to see the moments that felt essential to all of us.”

Trevorrow also went on to chat about the advice he gave on The Last Jedi. Here’s what he had to say:

“I just asked Rian if he could include a little moment where Rey and Poe meet for the first time. They’re such beloved characters, it felt right for them to have some history in the next movie. I thought the way he did it was perfect.”

It’s pretty cool that many of these filmmakers and Star Wars fans are friends, and therefore collaborators. I think it makes for better films when other trusted people can come in and help the film be its best. Now to see how the story will all end up. What do you think of the Emperor’s return?

Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker hits theaters on December 20th.

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