Comic Shop Selling Every Marvel Comic Book Ever For 200k

From the very first issue in 1961, to the latest to hit the stores last week. Through the grace of the geek gods, a private collector has bestowed his entire collection of EVERY MARVEL COMIC EVER to B Bop Comics In Kansas City. All the heroes, all the one and dones, even the graphic novels! Newsarama tells us they are offering anyone with $200,000 the opportunity to buy it all. If no buyer steps forward, they'll eventually break it down into smaller groups.

Now I'm sure Money Bags McGee is sitting here reading and wondering what kind of quality they'll get on the investment, which we all know sounds too good to be true. B Bop says that while the earlier collections are spotty in quality, everything 1970 and on is in fine to mint condition! Overall you'd be walking away with give or take 36,000 comic books.

As much as I hate to be a skeptic, I really have to question the true quality of this collection. I know some of those comics in that collection alone could account for 10% of the overall cost of the collection so I'm curious as to why this shop is so quick to let it go as opposed to cherry pick what they want. Do you think it's worth the price?

Those interested in buying can check out the offer right here.

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