Cool Art Series Features Old Disney Cartoons with Modern Horror Movie Icons


Artist Mike Chiechi has created a fun art series that features scenes from classic Disney cartoon shorts, and the characters in them being visited by several iconic villains of modern horror films. Those horror characters include Freddy Kreuger, Michael Myers, Chucky, Jason Voorhees, and Pinhead, to name a few.

The artist talked to Nerdist and shared that he’s always been fascinated with these two subjects:

“As an animator and a lover of horror, I’ve always been fascinated by how the early Disney stuff just seemed so spooky. Even when they weren’t trying to be! There’s just something inherently eerie about it to me- so I figured it was only natural to mix them with my favorite horror icons!”

You can check out the series of Chiechi’s art below and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

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