Cool Battledogs Art Series Shows Dogs as Badass Medieval Fantasy Warriors
I’ve got a collection of fan art here for you to check out created by artist Nikita Orlov and it features different kinds of dogs as badass medieval fantasy warriors! In an interview with Bored Panda, the artist explains how this idea came about and says that it is leading to a line of miniatures and a tabletop game:
I saw some dog drawings one day, and I thought, "Hmm... it would be fun to make a centaur from a dog. I bet someone did it already!". I googled and found none. Surprise! So I decided to do a couple of mythical creatures known as battledoges. I thought of a fantasy world where these cartoon dogs could exist and what professions they might have. Soon I ended up with a whole pack of cool drawings. I posted the cartoon characters, and people liked them. I was very surprised.
Things got rolling, and now I`m collaborating with amazing guys from Punga Miniatures, and soon we will launch a Kickstarter for D&D "The Deck of Many" battle dogs project by Cardamajigs. Also, there is an idea for a tabletop game.
These designs are pretty cool and it’ll be interesting to see how the figures and tabletop game end up turning out!