Cool CG Animated Sci-Fi Horror Fan Film Based on The Game AMONG US
A few weeks ago we shared a cool live-action short film based on the hit sci-fi game Among Us. We now have a great little CG animated fan film for you to watch!
The short was created by D Print Guy and it’s described as a "hyper-realistic take" on the gaming franchise. This is a sci-fi horror-themed short that is said to be heavily inspired by Alien, and Deadspace. You can definitely see the vibe of those films in the short.
If you’re not familiar with Among Us, 4 to 10 players can play the game and everyone attempts to prepare a spaceship for departure. The problem is, there are impostors in the crew's midst that are looking to kill everyone. The rest of the crew is tasked with preparing the ship/location as well as ejecting the impostors before it's too late.
Check out the Among Us short film below and tell us what you think!