Cool New Piece of Fan Art Conceptualizes What Robert Downey Jr. Might Look Like as Doctor Doom

Fans have been buzzing about what it will mean for the MCU to have our Iron Man, Robert Downey Jr. join the dark side as Doctor Victor Von Doom in the upcoming phases of Marvel’s story.

Some are stoked about the prospect, and some are either angry or confused, but no matter your stance, it’s coming, and it will probably be very cool to see him lean into the villainous role.

Though we don’t have anything to look at besides the photos of RDJ at Comic-Con during his iconic reveal, one talented artist is giving fans a good idea of the direction the costumers and filmmakers will go with Doctor Doom’s look.

21XFOUR has shared their take in the awesome images below. Check them out, and let us know what you think!

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