Cool New Trailer for the Live-Action Adaptation of FULL METAL ALCHEMIST

If you've been wanting to see more footage from Warner Bros. live-action adaptation of the hit anime Full Metal Alchemist, today's your lucky day! We've got a new trailer to share with you and it looks like it will be a solid film that will offer fans some fun entertainment. 

The plot takes place at the beginning of the 20th century, in a reality where alchemy (ancient esoteric science that sought the transmutation of matter) is real,extremely developed and respected. The plot features brothers Edward and Alphonse Elric who, after attempting the forbidden technique of human transmutation, suffer the consequences. Alphonse loses his entire body while Edward loses his left leg. He then sacrifices his right arm to keep his brother's soul trapped within a metal suit of armor. Using mechanical prosthetics known as "automail",he‘s given the nickname "Fullmetal Alchemist", all while in search for the legendary philosopher's stone that will repair their bodies.

When talking about this film adaptation and its faithfulness to the original source material, director Fumihiko Sori (Ping Pong) said:

"I want to create a style that follows the original manga as much as possible. The cast is entirely Japanese, but the cultural background is Europe. However, it's a style that doesn't represent a specific race or country. There will never be a scene in which a character says something that would identify him/her as Japanese."

It looks like he succeeded in what he was trying to accomplish. The movie is set to be released in September and you've never seen the anime, you could always start now and prep yourself for the film. 

兄弟は旅立つ。失ったすべてを取り戻すために――。 感動の冒険ストーリーがついに実写映画化! 『鋼の錬金術師』2017年12月1日全国ロードショー オフィシャルサイト: オフィシャルTwitter: #ハガレン 山田涼介 本田翼 ディーン・フジオカ 蓮佛美沙子 本郷奏多 / 國村 隼 石丸謙二郎 原田夏希 内山信二 夏菜 大泉洋(特別出演) 佐藤隆太 / 小日向文世 / 松雪泰子 原作:「鋼の錬金術師」荒川 弘(「ガンガンコミックス」スクウェア・エニックス刊) 監督:曽利文彦(『ピンポン』) エグゼクティブプロデューサー:濵名一哉 製作:映画「鋼の錬金術師」製作委員会 制作プロダクション:OXYBOT  配給:ワーナー・ブラザース映画 ©2017 荒川弘/SQUARE ENIX ©2017 映画「鋼の錬金術師」製作委員会

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