Cool Poster Art For BACK TO THE FUTURE, E.T., and INDIANA JONES For Upcoming Amblin Movie Art Show

If you are fans of the classic Amblin films of Steven Spielberg, there’s an art show coming up being hosted by Bottleneck Gallery and Vice Press that you won’t want to miss. It’s called Amblinesque, and it pays tribute those classic films that many of us grew up with in our lives.

I’ve got a few pieces of poster art to share with you today thanks to io9. They include Back to the Future, Jaws, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Gremlinsand E.T. and the art comes from artists Matt Ferguson and Foley. These are just a few of the pieces that will be available. You can see more here. Some of the other art will be inspired by films such as Goonies, Jaws, Close Encounters of the Third Kind, Jurassic Park and more.

The art show will debut on June 14th from 7:00-9:00 p.m. at the Bottleneck Gallery, 60 Broadway, Brooklyn, NY, and the art will remain on display through July 10th.

My favorite posters here are the three created for the Back to the Future trilogy. I would buy those in a heartbeat.  

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