Cool Unused Title Treatment Created For Ridley Scott's ALIEN
Ridley Scott's classic sci-fi horror film Alien ended up with a pretty simple title design. As simple as it was, though, the way it was presented to us in the opening of the film was pretty awesome. I included that opening below for you to watch if you want.
I'm sure there were a ton of different title designs created for the film, and one of these alternate design popped up online recently over at We Are The Mutants. The design comes from Michael Doret, and as you can see above, it was very much influenced by the art of H.R. Giger. This is what the artist had to say about it:
“The title treatment I designed for Ridley Scott’s Alien never made it into the public arena. It had some small promotional uses before it was run over by the Bill Gold Advertising machine and relegated to the back burner. At any rate, this was great fun to have worked on—the more so since I was able to work on it with my friend (the now famous “pop-surrealist”) Todd Schorr. I designed and drew the forms based on the “bio-mechanical” forms I saw in some publicity stills from the production, and Todd painted the absolutely gorgeous finished art.”
It's a really fun design but it may have been a little bit over the top for the film. I ultimately like what they ended up using, but it's still cool to see alternate designs for stuff that could've been.
Via: Birth.Movies.Death