COP CAR Video Review - Sundance 2015 — GeekTyrant

COP CAR Video Review - Sundance 2015

Kevin Bacon's Cop Car was one of the highlights at Sundance this year. It was a film that we all enjoyed, but it wasn't without its problems. Here is our video review in which we discuss this traumatic thriller that involves two young boys who come across a police cruiser and take it for a joy ride. In his review, Byran said,

"Cop Car takes a seemingly simple concept and makes it enthralling. Without a whole lot of blood, gore, or jump scares, it manages to make you scared and tense and still get a laugh in every now and then. It builds the intensity well, too, starting with two kids just walking in a field talking about kid stuff, and ending with a deadly standoff between two of the film's antagonists with the kids in the middle." 

Check out our video review below:

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