Costume Hoodies Are Halloween Shortcuts for the Cold, Lazy Among Us
It is a cruelty that Halloween is both in the late fall and a mostly outdoor nighttime celebration, because when you were a kid your mom probably made you wear a jacket over your superhypercool Rainbow Brite and/or Karate Kid costume even though the bright glow of candy kept you warm. Now you’re an adult and you don’t have to listen to anybody, but your tolerance for cold is markedly reduced. Cruel. Luckily for all the cold-intolerant/supremely lazy among us, someone invented the costume hoodie, and now all you have to do is throw one on to be both costumed and seasonally appropriately attired. We’ve collected a few of our favorites, so you can order one just in time for Halloween, or just in time to wear in your regular, day to day life. We don’t judge.
Arrow - Entertainment Earth - This one even comes with the gloves.
Princess Leia - ThinkGeek - You don't even have to roll your hair into double buns for this one. You don't even have to brush your hair for this one.
Godzilla - Entertainment Earth - This one is still on pre-order, but expected to ship this month, so hopefully it will get to you by Halloween.
Ladies Spock - ThinkGeek - For the uber-lazy crossplayers among us
Rocket Raccoon - ThinkGeek - This one is not going to be available in time for Halloween, but it's too cool not to share.
See? So cool I had to show you the back. It's supposed to be available on November 20, so it will make the perfect Harvest present for yourself. And yes, I did just make that up.
Super Mario - ThinkGeek - If you are so lazy that you can't even pull together some overalls and a red shirt and cap, then I don't even want to know you, but here you go.