Crazy Cool and Strange 1565 Woodcut Illustrations of "Demon Doodles"

ArtVideos Image Safe by Joey Paur

Here’s a cool video that explores a collection of fascinating and strange woodcut illustrations from the 1565 publication “The Drolatic Dreams of Pantagruel.” The collection of “demon doodle” art is explored by obscurities researcher Hochelaga and I love these crazy character visuals! Here are the details that were shared with the video:

The Drolatic Dreams of Pantagruel is a collection of 120 bizarre "demon doodles". Many of these monsters are comical, striking absurd and amusing poses. Others are a little more disturbing, with unnerving expressions and emotionless hollow faces. These sketches are so fantastically bizarre: they tap into the disturbing art of Hieronymous Bosch, and the grotesque monsters from medieval manuscripts.

Curiously, there are no words to accompany these drawings, so we are left to guess their meaning. I suspect that beneath these whimsical sketches lie hidden messages that poke fun at the powers that be. From hidden jokes at the expense of the nobility and the Catholic church. Whilst I have attempted to explain the meaning of some, I’m at a loss for words with most of the others... but it's fun to guess!

The artist behind these 120 fantastically bizarre illustrations is unknown, but it’s believed to be François Deprez. I enjoy the creative and wild style of these and some of them are also kind of terrifying. They also offer some social commentary of the time they were created.

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