Crazy Looking New Xenomorph's Featured in 3 TV Spots For ALIEN: COVENANT
Three new TV spots have surfaced for Ridley Scott's Alien: Covenant and you've gotta check 'em out! The coolest thing about these spots are that they include new footage of some of the crazy-looking different xenomorph breeds that will be included in the film.
I recently got to see a good amount of new footage from the film at CinemaCon that offered us some new information regarding David from Prometheus and what he's been up to since the events of that movie. If you want the details of that information, click here.
These promo spots are brief but they are packed with terrifying xenomorph goodness that fans will want to see. Alien: Covenant hits theater on May 19th and I'm sure will see some more new footage from the film before it's released so stay tuned!