Create a New Hollyphant Character with LULU'S GUIDE TO HOLLYPHANTS
The hollyphant is an elephant-like creature introduced to Dungeons & Dragons in Baldur’s Gate: Descent into Avernus. They’re fun, and Donathin Frye and Kienna Shaw have decided that players should be able to use this fun new creature as a character race. Their unofficial supplement Lulu’s Guide to Hollyphants creates lore to help hollyphants be utilized more in Faerun as well as everything you need to make a hollyphant character. In addition, there are tips on roleplaying as a hollyphant and some new NPC versions for you to use in your campaigns.
“The legends claim that when a child makes a wish on a falling star, and their wish does not come true, a bright-spirited hollyphant is born to balance the sadness in the world.
Hollyphants are small elephantine celestial beings with huge hearts that make new best friends everywhere they go! The allies of angels and deities, hollyphants’ inherent magic grows more powerful as they get older. Some hollyphants can transform into mighty winged mammoths, shatter city gates with the sound of their trumpeting trunk, heal the sick, and even raise the dead.”
You can purchase Lulu’s Guide to Hollyphants from the DMs Guild for $3.95.