CRITICAL ROLE Has Two New Shows and Other Programming to Look Forward to This Fall
Last week, Critical Role provided an update on what fans can expect from them this Fall. Besides the normal shows of Critical Role, Talks Machina, and Travis Willingham’s Yee-Haw Game Ranch, the team has some new shows coming as well as some shows returning.
First, the returning programming. Technically, it’s not a show, but they’re Everything is Content videos are going to be coming out a lot more this fall with shows like Sam Riegel and Matt Mercer playing Magic the Gathering: Arena (it’s hilarious) and Liam O’Brien and Laura Bailey playing Baldur’s Gate Enhanced Edition. Also, Pub Draw is coming back for a second season starting October 16 at 5 PM Pacific.
Between the new shows and returning shows, there are some special things coming up including two one-shots and a live show. The first one-shot will be this week on October 3 when Riegel will be the Dungeon Master in a secret sponsored adventure. His players will be Mercer, O’Brien, Marisha Ray, and Ify Nwadiwe. The second will be a Doom Eternal one-shot led by Mercer. This one will air November 20 at 7 PM Pacific. Finally, on November 29 at 7 PM Pacific, the team will be playing the Adventures of the Darrington Brigade live in Austin, TX. For this, Riegel will reprise his role as Tryon Darrington from the first campaign and Bailey, O’Brien, Ray, Taliesin Jaffe, and Travis Willingham will all be brand new characters. This is sure to be something.
Now, for my favorite part, the brand-new shows. Every Friday, Brian W. Foster will run an episodic saga called UnDeadwood using the Deadlands Reloaded RPG system. This will run for four episodes and Foster’s players will include Mercer, Ray, Willingham, Anjali Bhimani, Khary Payton, and Ivan Van Norman as The Bartender.
“Join Game Marshall Brian W. Foster as he runs a four-part episodic saga utilizing the Deadlands Reloaded RPG system set in the not-so-sleepy town of Deadwood, where rumors of supernatural happenings and illegal mining activity have come to a head. An unlucky group of citizens are brought together to fight an evil they’ve never encountered — and will fight to save their very souls in the process.”
Second, we have something that my wife has been looking forward to since it was announced. Back when Critical Role ran their crazy-successful Kickstarter, they had a stretch goal that would include seeing Willingham, a known scaredy-cat, go through a haunted house. Well, on October 10, fans will be able to watch that on YouTube.
Finally, the show I am probably most excited for is Mini Primetime. This is a new show hosted by Will Friedle who will “teach the cast of Critical Role how to paint their Mighty Nein minis.” Specific techniques will be the focus of each episode and I’m very excited. I just started painting some minis that I have and his show Painter’s Guild has been a big help. This is sure to expand on that.
What are you most excited for this Fall from Critical Role? You can find more details on the official post with the announcements.