Dad Builds Awesome STAR TREK Playset for Son
Fatherhood the final frontier...
Instructables maker David Weiberg, aka D_Weiberg, created a Star Trek bridge playset for his son. What inspired this creation? Weiberg in his own words:
This project started when I found my old Star Trek TOS playmates figures. I gave them to my eight year old son who had become a fan of the old show. He began building simple cardboard play pieces. Inspired by the clean wooden design of some of his other toys I set out to design and create a modular play set that he could use to assemble various rooms aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise. I wanted a set that could break down and store easily. I tried to use scrap materials where I could. The bridge was the biggest challenge so I started there.
It's amazing to see all the work and detail that went into it. I really like that it comes apart and lets the kid configure his own custom bridge. That's parenting done right. Well done, sir!
H/T: Make