DAEMON X MACHINA is Fun But Feels Slow
Daemon X Machina has been out for a couple of weeks now and it’s a lot of fun. I’ve been enjoying my time with the game, but it’s not perfect. Let’s take a closer look at it.
First, the game looks okay. I don’t think it looks breathtaking, but it also doesn’t look bad. Second, the story is pretty slow. I’ve played for several hours and feel like I haven’t really gotten anywhere with the story. I keep feeling like the next mission will kick things up a notch and suck me into the story, but then it just keeps it at this weird mysterious level. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still interested in the game, but after playing for over 5 hours, I would’ve liked to have a moment that really sucks me in and gets me involved.
The big pros are that you get to pilot a mecha, customize said mecha, customize your character, and the voice work is great. One nice thing is that while you create your character when you start the game, you can completely change them later on down the road. With your mecha, you can change the body parts and the weapons with others that you buy or salvage or even create. The one problem I have is that there are a lot of stats associated with each part, but I cannot find anywhere in-game to explain what any of those stats are. Some are self-explanatory, but there are others that I’d like more information on.
One of the cons I have for Daemon X Machina is that I wish there was a lock-on option to have your camera focus on a target. It’d just make some things easier. I know that they have a system to help your aiming, but it’s you can still go crazy trying to follow where your target is. Another con is that there are a lot of controls to keep track of. On the bright side, while it can feel overwhelming for more casual players, it really isn’t that bad. I just remember worrying that I wouldn’t be able to remember all the controls if I took a break.
Overall, I’ve really been enjoying Daemon X Machina and would recommend downloading the demo before trying it out if you’re hesitant.