Daft Punk's TRON: LEGACY Musical Score Fit's Perfectly with STAR TREK: THE MOTION PICTURE

As I've discussed with many films, most recently with Guardians of the Galaxy, music is one of the most important aspects of a film. Great music can make good movies better and bad movies... watchable. Take the case of Tron: Legacy. While not an absolute trainwreck of a film, it definitely has its flaws. But, something that stands out and makes it amazing is its wonderful soundtrack created by Daft Punk.

Now someone has found another amazing use for Daft Punk's Tron soundtrack and you wouldn't believe where... Star Trek: The Motion PicturePatrick Collins mashed up Star Trek: The Motion Picture with Daft Punk's awesome musical score. He calls it Star Trek: Legacy and he felt that the two scores of the films sounded similar, but with Jerry Goldsmith's Star Trek soundtrack sounding a bit more 70's. He explains: 

"I always thought the two film's scores were very reminiscent of one another and I wanted to use that to give this re-cut a more updated feel while still maintaining some aspect of the pacing and staging of the original (very long) film and it's big special effect scenes."

Collins has done an amazing job with this and made Daft Punk's wonderful soundtrack fit quite nicely into certain scenes of the original Star Trek film. Check it out below.

Via: The Awesomer

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